Wednesday, February 6, 2008

15/5 February 6, 2008

This week the Genesis Learning team worked on the development of performance objectives based on the instructional goals taken from the Needs Assessment.

There are seven instructional goals which I was responsible for developing numbers 4) Describe basic procedures for handling cash and 5) Identify camp store income, expenses and calculate profit margin.

In my opinion, I’m not sure how appropriate goal 5 is as far as how we will be able to teach someone to identify income. Or perhaps I’m not clear on what we are to teach in this section. I am by no means an SME on finances so I’m not sure if I what I think is pertinent.

However, I think if we word the objective such as:

"Given a list of examples, the CDWBAT identify and categorize income and expenses with at least 80% accuracy. " Written in this fashion I think will work.

We are to meet on Thursday and hash out some of these issues because we would like to present the objectives to Dr. Powell for sign off, so at that time we will come to a consensus.

Next week:

1. Revise performance objectives.
2. Begin development of our instructional strategies.

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